ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT: Ned’s hosts safe space for comedy, music material | News

Ned’s has been providing local residents with an open mic night for the past year, on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

Paige Sellers, a manager at Ned’s and the open mic night sound person, said the idea for the twice-a-month event came from people wanting to do stand-up comedy.

“We basically started it because we had a group of our regulars, who actually wanted to try out standup, and they kind of didn’t think anywhere else in town was open to that, since it usually is a big music [area],” Sellers said.

The open mic night features a number of stand-up acts, but they often have musical guests who like to make an appearance. The beginning of the open mic night had only five performers showing up, while an average night will showcase 10 to 15 people.

“It’s a good mixture of both, but that’s why we started it, so they had a safe space to practice material. And it’s just snowballed from there,” Sellers said.

Sellers said that recently, several of the acts trying out their material at Ned’s have also been performing at other venues, as they have now gotten more comfortable doing standup.

The host is Mason Gray, one of the regulars who wanted to start the open mic night.

“We’ve gotten some pretty good reactions,” Sellers said. “We have people who come out to support the acts and then they bring their friends, and a lot of times, I’ll have groups who don’t know what’s happening, and then they stay to watch.”

For those wanting to get involved with the open mic night, Sellers said they just have to show up and sign up. The event starts at 10 p.m., but participants can sign up throughout the night until 1 a.m., when Ned’s stops taking signups. Those wanting to perform a sketch or do standup are given five minutes, while musicians can play from three to four cover or original songs.

Sellers said Ned’s staff wanted to make the experience feel like it was just some friends hanging out, rather than it be a nerve-racking experience.

“We all started as beginners, and it’s actually how I learned to run the sound here. So we were all very new and are super-open to anybody, [especially] if it is their first time,” Sellers said. “We are all very accepting and nobody really gets made fun of here. It’s a good place to workshop and try to see what works and see what doesn’t.”

What’s next

The next open mic night at Ned’s will be July 3 at 10 p.m.

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